Domande frequenti:

Dove posso scaricare i driver più recenti per il mio prodotto?

The latest available product driver is available in the Downloads section on the respective product page.
Simply search by model name and download the driver from its product page, or visit our Support pages.

Dove posso scaricare il manuale d’uso del mio prodotto?

The Quick Start Guide is available in the Downloads section on the respective product page.
Simply search by model name and download the user manual from its product page, or visit our Support pages.

Quanto dura la garanzia dei prodotti Rapoo?

Rapoo offers a warranty to the original purchaser from an authorized retailer.
Your Rapoo product is covered against manufacturing defects under the terms and conditions of this warranty for a period of 2 years from the date of the original purchase if purchased from an official retailer.

Dove posso trovare il numero di serie di un prodotto?

The serial number can be generally found on the bottom side of every product.

Perché il cursore del mio mouse trema?

1. Move other working wireless devices away from the receiver and mouse.
2. Clean the sensor on the bottom of the mouse with a dry cloth.
3. Try using the mouse on a different surface.

Perché il cursore del mio mouse non si muove?

1. Please use the mouse on a mouse pad.
2. Try the mouse on a white paper to check if the special surface you use causes this problem.

Quando non lo uso, devo scollegare il ricevitore e spegnere il dispositivo?

Rapoo products have a power-saving function to maximize battery life. You do not have to turn the mouse/ keyboard off every time you stop using it. When the product is not moving or there is no signal from the USB receiver, it will automatically turn sleep-mode on to save battery power. When you complete work with the product for the day, we do recommend to use the On/Off power button to optimize the battery life.

Come ripristinare la connessione wireless a 2,4 GHz?

Unplug the USB receiver from the laptop/ PC. After the USB receiver is replugged, within 30 seconds, turn off the mouse and then turn it on with the left key pressed.

Il mio mouse o la mia tastiera a 2,4 GHz si blocca a intervalli irregolari durante l’uso.

1. Move other active wireless devices away from the device and receiver.
2. The PC can not respond immediately because the CPU is under full load.
3. Change battery if the low battery indicator is blinking.

Il mio mouse o la mia tastiera a 2,4 GHz non funziona.

1. Make sure the device is turned on.
2. Make sure the receiver is plugged into the PC’s USB port.
3. The PC can not recognize the receiver, please re-plug the receiver.
4. Check if the battery is installed correctly.
5. Low battery, please change the battery.
6. Move other working wireless devices away from the receiver and device.
7. Please keep away from walls or big objects, because this may reduce the range.
8. If the problem has not been solved, please download the pairing software from, then repair the connection.

Avete un centro di assistenza? Altrimenti, dove posso inviare il mio prodotto da riparare?

Because all our products are in the accessories category, we do not have service centers to repair products.
A defective product should be replaced by your point of purchase during the warranty period.

Il mio prodotto è difettoso. Cosa posso fare?

We offer a ‘return to the retailer’ warranty on our products. In case of a defect, please return the product to your retailer with a clear description of the problem, proof of purchase and all accessories. During the warranty period you will receive a replacement product from the retailer if available.